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aksesoris busana pesta
While nudity in fashion magazines has practically become the norm, there's something to be said for a model who - fully clothed - oozes more sex appeal than most of us could only dream of. Said model is, of course, Natasha Poly.
In a shoot for the September 2009 issue of Vogue Paris, Poly dons everything from capes to leather pieces to an assortment of thigh high boots; and makes each outfit as saleable and as sexy as the last.
Busana Pesta Elegan 2009
There's always something happening at Prahran hair salon Blondes to Brunettes. Last time it was afternoon tea with Nadia Pearse, designer from amazing eco label Made In Donald. This month it's something different entirely; a unique installation by award-winning Melbourne design team Housemouse.
Three mannequins capture the attention of passers-by as they stand in the window of Blondes To Brunettes, wearing nothing but creative and eye-catching hair styles. Each style was intricately crafted out of Wrapped By Housemouse 100% eco-friendly designer wrapping paper.
SEPATU Australian Shoe Fair 2009
Running alongside 2009's Fashion Exposed buying fair is the Australian Shoe Fair. Pretty much a dream for any girl (or shoe-loving guy, for that matter); and definitely a must for any footwear industry professional, the 2009 shoe fair will bring dozens of exhibitors together under one roof.
One label to have a presence at this year's fair is Lipstick, by Windsor Smith. Playing upon Spring/Summer 2009 shoe trends, faux reptile-leathers, lace, and fetish-inspired zips and straps all feature.
Busana Gaun Pesta & Busana Wanita
Coco Rocha, a cable knit cape, and an old-fashioned bicycle. Models in Balenciaga frocks playing croquet. Draping gowns in smoky bars. It's the epitome of 40s glamour, and while we only yesterday mentioned Natasha Poly's shoot for Vogue Paris as one of our favourites for September 2009, this one - though a complete contrast - also makes the list.
Busana Wanita - Busana Pesta
If it was Tom Ford who brought Gucci back from the dead, then it was Frida Giannini who gave it an insatiably fashion-forwards edge. And that forwards looking design has been close to revolutionary; though whether Gucci's Autumn (Fall)/Winter 2009/2010 collection will prove as influential as those of a year ago remains to be tested (if it's any measure, Tania is just as keen to purchase this year's shoes to sit along side her fringed Gucci boots). No matter though, as the promotion the new range marches on.