good song from awesome singer

Apa yang kau takutkan
Dengan semua ini
Bukankah kesedihan
Sering kita alami
Keadaan ini
Buat kita terbiasa

Dengarkan ku bicara
Teruslah bermimpi
Walau kenyataannya jauh berbeda
Teruslah bermimpi
Jangan berhenti

Lelah ini hanya sebentar saja
Jangan menyerah
Walaupun tak mudah meraihnya

Menghentikan pikiran dengan mata terpejam
Menunggu malam bisa hapus kenyataan
Biar saja mimpi jauh membawa kita

Back to [*]

Tetap tersenyumlah
Biar semakin mudah
Karena kesedihan pun
Ternyata hanya sementara

Back to [*][**]

Me vs Lady Gaga


  Without make-up, I could make my own big eyes like Lady Gaga LOL And now you can listen to #LadyOcta's hit song --------> 

I've got big eyes like Lady Gaga's....
Her eyes aren't as big as mine....
I could make it without make-up and no money....
My two big eyes are just two powerful, s-s-sorry G-A-G-A.... 
I want your eyes and your fans, now I got both of them......
Watch out for LadyOcta.....!!
Po..po..po..poor Gaga..po..po..poor Gaga

Amien & Thankyou

saya dimas ontokesumo bersumpah tidak akan memutuskan kharisa salma oktarini wirjono atau mengianatinya.
juro que te amo
saya ks oktarini wirjono bersumpah atas nama tuhan saya bahwa tdk akan bertindak menyalahi dasar rasa setia sumpah pacar saya yang sebelumnya sudah bersumpah

Happy 14th Birthday for

mendadak WEDGES

ihhh liat wedges2 di inet bikin ngiler dehhh ...... secara saya ni baru belajar jadi "wanita" baca sekali lagi : WANITA ! ga ada salahnya gan sedikit feminin dengan pake wedges.... hahaha .....

ada satu wedges dirumah yang saya suka, *karana cuman satu2nya , TETOOOTTT !! bahannya denim dengan sentuhan gold dipinggiran dan pita kecil berbahan gold juga buat pemanis diujungnya... Mmm.. kapan2 boleh deh saya fotoin buat temen2.. :))

dan sekarang terobsesi punya wedges *terobsesi pengen punya doank tapi belom tentu dipake... LOL !* yang modelnya kayak begini :

lucuuu sekali bukan ada tali2 begini yang membalut kaki saya *ceritanya biar ga lepas tu sepatu dari kaki akika, DOEEEENGGG !!*

pengen banget ihhh,, saya belum punyaa.... tapi nabung dulu dehhh ...... yaahhh itung2 tobattt dikit lah dari paham TOMBOY-isme saya... :D :D :D :D

baru kali ini saja

baru kali ini saja aku bisa marah semerah ini .

cukup . keterlaluan !

Had been stolen

I was mad caused this. I can't call my boyfriend's phone with my own phone number. Tomorrow is his 14th birthday and I've a present for him. So sad... Do you know the worst? The thief took another thing and It's not only mine. He/She took my basketball mate's money. Hey you suvh a fuckin-idiot person. Good bye, I hope you'll realize your mistake and give it back to me. All of them.

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Pasar Jogja Katalog Baju Batik Pasar Jogja telah tersedia dalam dua versi ada yang pake harga dan yang ngak pake harga (biasanya buat reseller), Silahkan di download... diliat-liat, dari ratusan model dan motif corak dan warna siapa tau ada yang cocok, gak pake mahal, murah aja, ada diskon special buat reseller, harga di bawah katalog dan bisa dijual di atas harga katalog, pasti untung. Silahkan Download katalog di tempatnya batik jogja, batik halus, batik lembut dan yang pasti murah. - "Koleksi Batik untuk anda", aneka ragam produk batik bisa di dapatkan
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Pasar Jogja Katalog Baju Batik Pasar Jogja telah tersedia dalam dua versi ada yang pake harga dan yang ngak pake harga (biasanya buat reseller), Silahkan di download... diliat-liat, dari ratusan model dan motif corak dan warna siapa tau ada yang cocok, gak pake mahal, murah aja, ada diskon special buat reseller, harga di bawah katalog dan bisa dijual di atas harga katalog, pasti untung. Silahkan Download katalog di tempatnya batik jogja, batik halus, batik lembut dan yang pasti murah. - "Koleksi Batik untuk anda", aneka ragam produk batik bisa di dapatkan
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Untuk response yang cepat hubungi via sms atau telp.:
0274-6958704, 0819-31720735 (proXL), 0812-27728265 (simPati), 085727256207 (IM3)

email juga bisa ke:

renungan kilat

hmmm.... saya sadar saya harus jadi diri sendiri,,, tak perlu meniru orla....
sangat sadar ...
bukankah setiap orang mempunyai pribadi yang unik ? jadi tak perlu merisaukan hal kecil ini dan saya harus tetap melangkah dengan jatidiri yang saya bawa...

bahkan saya pun sadar kemampuan saya sangat berbeda dengan yang orla punya...
tapi saya yakin saya bisa lebih dari ini, lebih tangguh dari yang kemarin, dan lebih bersemangat di hari ini untuk menyongsong masa depan esok yang melambai- lambai disana menantikan saya seorang untuk meraihnya ....

saya rindu saat dimana bapak tersenyum bangga akan saya... sudah lama masa itu lewat, namun kini saya ingin kembali menjemputnya....

menjalani kuliah dengan penuh semangat, menyelesaikan part time job dengan tulus, bekerja untuk organisasi dengan ikhlas, bergaul dengan kawan dengan cinta, dan pada akhirnya bisa memeluk bapak dengan toga wisuda- slempang cumlaude- riasan lebih cantik dari biasanya ...

kurang dari 4 tahun waktu yang saya punya... dan kini sudah hampir 2 tahun terlewati... belum terlambat untuk menebus kesalahan di semester lalu, saya yakin saya bisa....
dan mungkin siapa tau TUHAN memberi kesempatan lebih bagi saya ? sebuah beasiswa S2 di luar negeri ? amerika ? australia ? eropa ? saya akan berjuang keras untuk itu !

dan akan berakhir dimanakah perjuangan mencari ilmu ini ? menjadi seorang dosen ? jaksa yang sering didambakan bapak ? atau yang lainnya ? entahlah .. tapi saya harus memikirkannya mulai dari sekarang . LOL ....

Yogyakarta, 23 februari '10


Pretty.Smart.Sexy.Hot.Powerful------(Do you know girl like that? I know one)-------> Jealous? Everyone wanna be like that, me too. But I'm proud to be my self. It adverse to be others though she/he is perfect. Anyway, he praised me yesterday, made me more confident(?) lol. He? Who is 'he'? My boyfriend. Of course. He almost makes me wanna cry everyday. Why? I miss him! Oh God, something from him could force me to remember him. I ever said that I do not like to praise too much, but he changes me more day. Yes, I was a liar, because I thought he was a liar too. Maybe he was, but I must make something different and more better for our relationship. Dimas Onto Kesumo, yes I miss you so ♥
<--- Felt on fire(?) No, I was mad and I took a photo. Thats good, isn't it? :D
Factually this mad caused: I don't know what should I do for his birthday, so bad!


sore ini gabisa berhenti tersenyumm ...
pertama kalinya aku melakukannya ..
sore ini pukul 4 ...
menjadi seorang guru ...
aku mulai menyukainya ... mengajar ...

semoga hari ini awal yang baik buat memulai ...
semoga aku bisa ngebantu fina buat lulus UN ...
Ya Allah bantu dia ...

thanks buat memi yang udah ngenalin aku di dunia yang satu ini..
dunia mengajar ...
thanks banget ya miii ....

ini baru sebuah awal ...
awal dari sebuah tantangan ...
menjadi seorang guru privat sosiologi dan geografi merangkap psikolog dadakan??
yahhh.... memang masih perlu terus belajar ...

hmm ....
wismilak .. :))

referensi ngajar sosiologi


Hai sistaaa .... ada produk lucu- lucu nihhh ..... ^^

Murmer- murmer dan 100% handmade !! ^^

masih dalam masa promo nihhh .....

cekidottt sistaaa .... x))


bando dari flanel , ribbon , dan ga lupa pake permata sintetis buat pemanis
Rp 14.000/ biji
Rp 154.000/ lusin

Bando flanel lucu dan simpel
Rp 6.000/ biji
Rp 66.000/ lusin

Bando dengan hiasan topi kecil lucu berbalut pita yang bikin tambah manis
Rp 10.000/ biji
Rp 110.000/ lusin

Sirkam rambut dengan pita-pita lembut dan kue lapis kecil- kecil yang bikin laper terus
Rp 6.000/biji
Rp 66.000/lusin

Sirkam rambut dengan bulu- bulu lucu dan segitiga tumpuk sebagai pemanis buatan

Rp 6.000/ biji
Rp 66. 000/ lusin

sekarang gimana nihh cara pesennya ???

banyak cara buat agan2 bisa pesen produk lucu- lucu ini , diantaranyeee :

via sms : 08562559847 (vid)
via YM : vidiholique / nindya_ratna

atauuu langsung aja PM ane gannnn !!

oiya buat bayarnya via :




dan masalah pengiriman kita serahkan langsung kepada TIKI / JNE

Without Rainbox, I Saw Rainbow

Congratulations for choosen people. I hope Wednesday and Friday isn't a rainy day. We'll fight and show our best every that days. Do not be arrogant, show your spirit to your friends and scare our opponents

Classic scam

commercial: WELCOME MY NEW TEETH! One from my rotten tooth had healed!
  What the waste is that?------------> I love you until my last breath. But just some hours after that you find another boy/girl and (again) then you feel WOW. Love is a classic scum right? No, I don't hate something that called love. I respect it, God gave it to me and Onto Kesumo (I think& I hope)
   Isn't my topic. Hmm Its about basketball mates. Aswin choose me as girl's captain and Agung as boy's captain some weeks ago (it was (like) a valentine present for me) I'm in dilemma now, Aswin asked me& Agung to tell who selected or not selected for againts-fisaba-game also porseni. I know who has been choosen, but I don't know how to tell them, my friends.
   Classic scam........ Must I? "Yang kepilih bukan berarti yang paling bagus, dan yang ga kepilih, you're not a fool" Its up to them how to accept this. But????? Is that a lie? Just wish me luck to tell them. I hope who has been choosen will not be an arrogant person, we're the same. I was like them who ever been excluded, but I keep trying until right now. See? Don't ever give up, friends. Trust me, is not a classic scum


Heavy but slowly soul, burned angry-fire, confuse-and-don't-know how to escape, and the worst my heart still asleep and never yet realize this condition. I'm a fool, trapped and.. I miss you

Happy Valentine Day

A day to Valentine ♥

  I dont wanna be late to say this: "Happy valentine 2010 everyone!" I hope I can celebrate this valentine with my boyfriend. But I think it wont become true because he prefers to playing basketball than walking around on Sunday (his brother also here, maybe he prefers spend his time with his brother too than with me) . Maybe he forgot that tomorrow is a valentine day. Hmm never mind,
Everyday can be my valentine with my boy friend
  What's something special for tomorrow? We'll celebrate our valentine together! Me and my basketball mates ♥ what a nice momment.. 
  What Aswin decided was a something special, it's like a valentine present that comes too early. I got something special, he believes me although I don't have a good skill as like the other. I love you as my teacher, Aswin. You just different from the other teacher that I know. I won't dissapointing you, Aswin and basketball mates, also Agung. I love all of you ♥
Picture from:

Basketball mates

  They're my best ever.. All of them teach me how to be a team, they told me about togetherness. Mita, Risna, Nisa, Aulia, Berti& Febri. My junior, the boy's team, also my teacher, Aswin.
  I was nothing who came from fool community. Maybe you ever hate me, but your goodness could accept me and you've changed me into better.
  Thanks a lot ♥

mau ambil konsentrasi apa ????

astaganaga . mpe sekarang aku masi bingung mau ambil konsen apa . TT

ortu nyuruhnya perdata . tapi aku kurang sreg. duhhh, stress deh SAYA !!

eniwe ini kelebihan kalo aku memilih perdata :
- mau nglamar loker apa aja bisa pake spec nya hukum perdata
- skripsi banyak kasusnya
- bisa jadi jaksa
- kelo kepepet bisa kerja di perusahaan cateringnya budhe
- bisa jadi lawyer
- bisa jadi notaris

kekurangannya apa yaa ?? check this out :
- saingan banyak
- SDM banyak
- terlalu bersifat UMUM
- karena SDM banyak, persaingan kerja juga ga bisa dielakkan
- udah banyak pakar hukum perdata, kenapa ga coba yang lain yang lebih khusus dan SDM nya sedikit ?

aku bingung banget sumpahhh.... ada 3 opsi selaen perdata . what are they ??? this is it :

emm lebih berat di 2 yang pertama. hukum agraria dan hukum lingkungan ? kenapa dua itu ? alasannya :
1. SDM sedikit
2. banyak kesempatan jadi dosen
3. bisa kerja di Badan Pertanahan Nasional
4. bisa kerja di Departemen Pemukiman dan Pengembangan Wilayah
5. bisa jadi PPAT
6. bisa kerja di LIPI
7. and many more yang berhubungan dengan tanah, air, udara, dan kekayaan alam yang terkandung di dalamnya

konsekuensi :
sedikit kemungkinan buat kerja di jogja karena bakal lebih prospek kerja diluar jawa atau luar jogja.

STRESS AKUT TINGKAT TINGGI !! bijimana neehhh ?? tinggal 1 semester buat memikirkan dan memutuskannya,,, Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !! >,<

There's NO love

This is me


This is
<----- other

Do you know what is love?
Or maybe it just called lust?
A child thinks that love has a same meaning with a sense of joy and  comfort. How about you, teenagers? I said "I love you" to my boyfriend, but factually I don't know what love is it. I just like him. I want him (my boy friend) every where every time that I need him. I miss him, I wanna meet him. And.... Lust? I don't feel it. I feel nothing. But I know, it will beat something that called love. So, just becareful. Increasingly hard to find love.

Kate Moss for Longchamp


MARC by Marc Jacobs Leola Zip Hobo


I can't remember the last time I was this excited about a Marc Jacobs bag, by either the diffusion line or the main one! Actually, I've never been excited by a Marc by Marc Jacobs bag. This Leola Hobo is the perfect mix of trendy playfulness and polished design. The zipper has undeniably replaced the studs this season but instead of randomly throwing zippers for the sake of the trend, this design incorporates it in elegant asymmetrical style.
$495 at Neiman Marcus

Emilio Pucci Marquise Bag

1Emilio Pucci SS 2010_extraLB_4.jpg1Emilio Pucci SS 2010_extraLB_6.jpg

Peter Dundas is a seriously underappreciated talent. This former designer at Roberto Cavalli and Ungaro--now creative director of Emilio Pucci--has never let his passion for cutting-edge design be marred by trends or corporate restraint. The same can be said for the Marquise bag, his first bag (not to mention the only one launched with a name). While it was first introduced for resort, I think it's a fabulous bag for year-round use. It just reeks of seduction and aristo-rebel attitude but is elegant enough for dinner at Mr. Chow or Kaviar Kaspia. When Peter first showed this bag to me over coffee at the Mercer Hotel, he explained that it was named in homage to the Palazzo Pucci, infusing the luxe Florentine house with some indie rock n' roll spirit that only he could provide (I was just thrilled that nary was a colored swirl in sight!). Available in two sizes to suit all statures, the classic box shape is wrapped in black suede while a fully-lined canvas interior keeps the bag as light as can be. Sure, naysayers will note its similarity in style to Chanel or Lanvin bags, but check out those killer silver ring piercings that edge the entire bag! Break out the Balmain or Alaïa mini! The chain shoulder straps are great, too--perfect to wear as a normal handbag or across your body for a girl's night out. For the quintessential--not to mention updated--Pucci girl, this bag is right on target.

Small ($1,435) & large ($1,595) available at Pucci stores, Bergdorf Goodman and Neiman Marcus.

Tips For Sneaking Into New York Fashion Week

New York Fashion Week is mere days away and the invites to the most coveted shows were sent out long ago. If you’re not a celebrity, fashion editor, socialite, or 13 year old blogger with a kooky hat, then your presence was not likely requested for this season’s tents–but you can still watch some of them from home, on your computer.

Anyway, if you happen to be in New York, a fashion show is not necessarily contingent about being on the VIP list; it’s all about dressing the part and feeling confident. Since the theme of “tent-crashing” has been a hot topic in the news this week, we’ve put together a list of 5 separate pieces to help you fool even the cleverest of PR door bitches–not to be worn together, of course.

Massive Sunglasses

Lying to the best fashion PR people in the business can be more than a little nerve racking, but the last thing you want to do is show the fear in your eyes. Larger than life lenses give you an instant poker face. Bonus points if you keep your shades on throughout the show à la Anna Wintour.

Roxy, $75

Loud Prints

In the world of high fashion, in order to blend in inconspicuously you must dress conspicuously. This means if you show up in a boring black dress you won’t fit in with the dozens of fashionistas waiting to enter the tents. People who work in fashion pride themselves on personal style, and save their most eclectic outfits for fashion week. A loud print will speak volumes of your style savvy. Also remember to play it cool and casual, if you look like you’re trying too hard, like showing up in an evening gown, you will immediately be deemed a fashion nobody.

Elizabeth & James, $275

Elaborate Heels

As painful as chic heels can be, fashion week is not the time to bust out your flats. Slip on your favorite funky shoes that you saved for months to buy, and strut your stuff.

Rock & Republic, $214.35

Vintage Jewelry

Fashionistas love to show off their individual style with one-of-a-kind vintage jewelry. Turquoise, western inspired pieces are a good way to get the vintage look without having to sift for hours through dirty thrift shops.

Anthology, $98

Chic Caplet

A basic jacket is oh so passé in the world of fashion. Throw on an unexpected caplet and you’ll sweep right through the velvet ropes and into the front row.

Organic by John Patrick, $202.50

If you don’t have immediate access to the fashion tents, you can catch many of this season’s shows streaming live on the Internet. Prove your style skills and take one of our taste tests.

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