Batik Kerja dan Resmi untuk Cewek
Selain untuk kaum pria, kami juga menyediakan beberapa model batik berbahan primissima untuk perempuan. Ukuran tersedia dari M – XL. Ukuran diluar itu, bisa juga di pesan pada kami, dengan tambahan charge yang sangat murah.
Diantara model-model batik primissima untuk perempuan adalah:
Blus panjang
Baju batik ini cocok untuk acara-acara resmi seperti, pernikahan, kondangan,
apalagi untuk kerja.
Banyak sekali trend model baju kerja sekarang dan bebagai pola trend. Baju batik sekarang menjadi trend model sekarang terutama anak remaja dan kaum ibu-ibu. Jangan mau ketinggalan untuk mengikuti trend-trend sekarang.
Trend Batik 2011
Soon Eid, when Muslims were also citizens to memafkan one samalain.
At the same time preserve batik ndonesia citizens as a symbol of the nation's heritage of Indonesia.
So hurry to celebrate a victory by using the batik clothes.
Batik Jogja
Batik is an Indonesian cultural heritage that should be preserved.
Batik is a pride for citizens of the nation Indonesia.
Batik is a pride for citizens of the nation Indonesia.
Batik Indonesia
Now, I want to let you know about Indonesia's traditional clothing. Indonesia known as Batik country. Batik is a cloth that traditionally uses a manual wax-resist dyeing technique. You can pronounce it like this: BatikJavanese pronunciation: [ˈbateʔ]; Indonesian: [ˈbatɪʔ]; English: /ˈbætɪk/ or /bəˈtiːk/). Pretty simple, huh?? No?? Well, like this. Do you know Bali? Yes. Say 'Ba' in batik like you say 'Bali'. Then, say 'tik' like 'tick-tock' but remove the word 'c'. Yeah, Batik. hohohoo..
Another meaning of Batik is clothing or fabric including the use of certain motifs that have uniqueness. Batik Indonesia, as the overall engineering, technology, and development-related motives and culture, UNESCO has been designated a Cultural Heritage for Humanity Oral and Nonbendawi (Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity) since October 2, 2009.
Although the word's origin is Javanese, its etymology may be either from the Javanese amba ('to write') and titik ('dot' or 'point'), or constructed from a hypothetical Proto-Austronesian root *beCík, meaning 'to tattoo' from the use of a needle in the process. The word is first recorded in English in the Encyclopædia Britannica of 1880, in which it is spelled battik. It is attested in the Indonesian Archipelago during the Dutch colonial period in various forms: mbatek, mbatik, batek and batik.
Here's examples of Batik :
Batik is identically with Java island, like batik Solo, batik Pekalongan, batik Cirebon, etc. Except batik, in Indonesia also have another clothing or fabric like ulos, songket, etc.
Batik usually uses as a formal clothing or for uniform. But now the government want the Indonesian people with proud use Batik as a daily clothes. So a lot of designers in Indonesia make casual clothes for teenagers and spread Batik to the universe. Batik can be modified with beads, ribbons or anything you like to make chick designs like these:
Batik and The Heritage
Batik Madura is Unique
Batik is the heritage of the nation of Indonesia in the bequeathed from generation to generation. In Indonesia, batik is more in the know from the Pekalongan, Yogyakarta and Solo. While other areas of Indonesia also produce batik as well, although in a small scale. Examples such as Rembang, Maos Cilacap, Banyumanik, and or in the western Sumatran though the staining was much use of clay.
In a small scale, the Madurese also produce batik. Batik Madura is batik made in Madura, of course with typical pattern as the influence of cultural background.
Batik Madura being attractive because of its scarcity. Because it has not been as popular as others such as batik Pekalongan, batik Solo, batik Surakarta or batik Yogja. But precisely because the 'unusual' is what makes it unique as well as valuable. And that is definitely worth a high art.
Batik Madura centers, among others, ranging from Bangkalan which is at the West Madura, until batik stalls in the traditional markets.
Batik Madura as synonymous with one particular place, namely Tanjung Bumi (the Cape of the Earth). It place at north of Bangkalan, outside the main line that is being cross-Madura, on the southern island of Madura
You will be very rarely come across Madurese batik original and good quality. Usually to get the best, you have to come directly to place a special order some of the craftsmen and the fabric you want.
Blus Tabitha (Grosir baju muslam cantik dan murah dari okrek.com)
Blus Tabitha
Harga Rp. 90.000
Bahan Dari Kain Batik Printing
Untuk pembelian grosir harga nya
Abaya ukuran XS sampai L RP 105.000 min pemesanan 12 pcs dan untuk motif mengikuti persediaan kami. Konsumen hanya bisa memilih warna dominan yang di inginkan.
Blus ukuran XS sampai L RP 75.000 min pemesanan 12 pcs dan untuk motif mengikuti persediaan kami. Konsumen hanya bisa memilih warna dominan yang di inginkan.
Pesanan Boleh campur mode.
Untuk pemesanan silahkan ke email
Abaya ukuran XS sampai L RP 105.000 min pemesanan 12 pcs dan untuk motif mengikuti persediaan kami. Konsumen hanya bisa memilih warna dominan yang di inginkan.
Blus ukuran XS sampai L RP 75.000 min pemesanan 12 pcs dan untuk motif mengikuti persediaan kami. Konsumen hanya bisa memilih warna dominan yang di inginkan.
Pesanan Boleh campur mode.
Untuk pemesanan silahkan ke email
Blus Menul (Grosir Pling Murah dari okrek.com)
Blus Menul __ .
Rp 75,000.-
Bahan Dari Kain Batik Printing
Dengan Warna yang Cantik ,.
dan Model yang lucu cocok untuk di pakai jalan-jalan
Untuk pembelian grosir harga nya
Abaya ukuran XS sampai L RP 105.000 min pemesanan 12 pcs dan untuk motif mengikuti persediaan kami. Konsumen hanya bisa memilih warna dominan yang di inginkan.
Blus ukuran XS sampai L RP 75.000 min pemesanan 12 pcs dan untuk motif mengikuti persediaan kami. Konsumen hanya bisa memilih warna dominan yang di inginkan.
Pesanan Boleh campur mode.
Untuk pemesanan silahkan ke email
Blus Molina (Grosir Baju Murah dari okrek.com)
Blus Molina___
Harga: Rp 85.000___
Warna Hijau___
Untuk pembelian grosir harga nya
Abaya ukuran XS sampai L RP 105.000 min pemesanan 12 pcs dan untuk motif mengikuti persediaan kami. Konsumen hanya bisa memilih warna dominan yang di inginkan.
Blus ukuran XS sampai L RP 75.000 min pemesanan 12 pcs dan untuk motif mengikuti persediaan kami. Konsumen hanya bisa memilih warna dominan yang di inginkan.
Pesanan Boleh campur mode.
Untuk pemesanan silahkan ke email
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