guess what????? im an osis of pawitikra now. nothing special but i'll enjoy it. for tiarra mega and yayang. just wait, GUE BAKAL BALES DENDAM BUAT LO SEMUA!!!! sialan mereka ngerjain aku habis-habisan hari ini. buat siswasiswi smp5, vote me buat jenjang osis berikutnya ya. thanks a lot:)

other hand, aku emg lagi suka-sukanya sm sekolah (without academic) tapi itu waktu di mana banyak heart-bully yg ganggu kesenenganku. first, cikini-bokong's student that was disturb my class wif touched their boobs each other. so disgusting right? then about my boy friend.. i think i've a big trouble wif him but i dont wanna take care a lot of it. aku ga bisa ngira bakal gimana jadinya tapi aku bukannya ga ngurus, cuma ga berani buat ngehadapin masalah yg satu ini. tapi tenang, masalah keorganisasian (eheem) insyaAllah bakal bisa aku urusin kok. promotion is number one right? xoxoxo
friends, thanks for a lot happiness
also, welcome for my cute-sorrow-which-bully-my-heart

cute-sorrow-which-bully-me heard funny right? do you think a cute-sorrow is nothing? you'll or ever feel it when the sorrow comes from people that you loved. i often dont wanna realize this kind of life but this is me.. a girl who miss her heart. it left far away. im afraid but what can i do? i think the answer is nothing
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