Kami menyusuri barisan-barisan toko dari depan hingga belakang, dari yang tadinya semangat hingga bete, dan dari yang kakinya kuat hingga gempor. Akhirnya nyeraaaah...baru kali ini ke Tanah Abang gak beli apa-apa. Nggak ada yang sreg di hati. Padahal, Tanah Abang gak rame-rame amat, masih bisa dimaklumi kepadatannya.

Selama saya di sana, saya mengamati toko-toko batik yang berjejer. Jualannya semakin bervariasi dan banyak juga orang yang membeli atau sekadar melihat-lihat. Sepertinya, batik-batik lagi banyak diburu orang, terutama daster buat emak-emak. Hahahaha....Mungkin, ini dampak dari Batik Day, orang-orang pada pingin pake batik. Jadi deh toko-toko batik banyak diburu orang.

Gak cuma daster, baju-baju dengan motif batik juga laku. Belum lagi, kaos-kaos gambar wayang. Harganya, hmm, cukup terjangkau. Belum lagi kain-kain batik. Kayaknya berbagai corak dari berbagai daerah itu ngabrak di mana-mana. Tinggal pilih deh...ada yang sreg atau nggak. Kalau saya, karena belum ada yang sreg, saya nggak jadi beli. Hihihihihi...Mungkin, cari di tempat lain kali yaaa...
Yiihaa...this October 2nd is batik day.
Many people I met in the street wear batik for celebrate that day. Of course many kind of design that I found. Too much designs cos Indonesia has many kind of design according to the area where batik made. Different area is different design. See, what I found in many webs.
Batik Pekalongan is batik from Pekalongan, Central Java.

Batik Betawi is batik from Betawi, Jakarta, capital city of Indonesia.

Batik Cirebon is batik from Cirebon, West Java.

Batik Solo is batik from Solo, Central Java.

Batik Yogyakarta is batik from Yogyakarta.

Batik Madura is batik from Madura, East Java.

Right now, batik not only wear in formal situation, but it can wear for semiformal or nonformal. Too much design, include the motive or the dress, that people wear. For work today, I wear batik like this.

But my friend who stay in the house wear batik like this that we call daster.

And so many places has their own batik or cloth like that. I can't mention all because too many of them. If you like kind of this, visit Indonesia. You will find many cultures and traditional values.
So, for celebrate batik day, please wear batik from your wardrobe.
Many people I met in the street wear batik for celebrate that day. Of course many kind of design that I found. Too much designs cos Indonesia has many kind of design according to the area where batik made. Different area is different design. See, what I found in many webs.
Batik Pekalongan is batik from Pekalongan, Central Java.
Batik Betawi is batik from Betawi, Jakarta, capital city of Indonesia.
Batik Cirebon is batik from Cirebon, West Java.
Batik Solo is batik from Solo, Central Java.
Batik Yogyakarta is batik from Yogyakarta.
Batik Madura is batik from Madura, East Java.
Right now, batik not only wear in formal situation, but it can wear for semiformal or nonformal. Too much design, include the motive or the dress, that people wear. For work today, I wear batik like this.

But my friend who stay in the house wear batik like this that we call daster.
And so many places has their own batik or cloth like that. I can't mention all because too many of them. If you like kind of this, visit Indonesia. You will find many cultures and traditional values.
So, for celebrate batik day, please wear batik from your wardrobe.
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