Java batik design examples etnika has a lot to produce batik design, batik well as disposable products and a product collection that has spread in our batik enthusiasts.Diverse composition and the color motif is keasikan for us in creating, the following are examples of batik designs which we hasilkan.Semua in this universe is the inspiration for our work, the composition of the universe artefacts, flora, fauna and life stories which accompanied the designs contained in our motif.

Meaning in motif composition is one thing that we do not forget, because a work would be worth more if contained in the meaning and philosophy, meaning that feels both simple and deep meaning, stories, fun, love, sincerity.

This we represent by the symbols in the composition of motifs. Rich in color scheme on the design will provide dynamics, expression, style and spirit, this is a concept we in the developed batik designs. By simultaneously combining these aspects we hope that this work could have the impression that expected by our batik enthusiasts.
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