Lampung has its own uniqueness motives very different from the motives of other regions in Indonesia, tracing the history began to recognize art Lampung textiles since the 18th century coincided with the entrance of the influence of Indian culture that began to enter the waters of Sumatra, so the influence of Buddhist motifs is very thick in it
. The motive of the most famous and became seizure of foreign collectors is the motive boat and the "tree of life" are two of this motif to be very specific to the culture is a trade mark of Lampung and Lampung in the eyes of the international community.

The motifs are generally known in the fabric Charming, Palepai and Tatibin. and the craftsmen who used to be famous diLampung many come from surrounding waters and Krui Kalianda they referred to as the Paminggir, Krui, Abung and the coast.

From their work these fabrics Lampung circulated to all corners of the world and even their works made in the 18th century and 19th century, was in international museums such as culture collections in Australia, America, Hawaii and many collectors from other countries that have cultural heritage sites Lampung.

Departing from a sense of belonging and a love of culture itself, we took the initiative raised the heritage sites are already legendary motif Lampung, which is usually found on Tapestry fabric, Palepai, Charming and Tatibin for poured into batik patterns. However Batik and Tapestry is a remnant of the cultural heritage handed down from generation to generation for hundreds of years ago that should be preserved.

Along with the shifting culture of the old culture into modern culture, in terms of technique, pen-and design-an pembuatannyapun process is far more advanced than hundreds of years ago.

We try to lift Batik Lampung by following the current development of the era, with the view that contemporary batik, especially from the selection of the color elements and motifs padupadan Lampung strong that still does not reduce the essence of the meanings contained in batik motif itself.

With the renewal of Contemporary Batik Lampung Lampung sense of pride in this culture can feel for the wearer and makes the characteristics / distinctive identity.

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